Saturday, October 12, 2013

Stopping Cancer By Blocking Cell Division

Dividing Cell
Credit: Roy van Heesbeen
Cells go through a complex sequence of events called the cell cycle to grow and reproduce. When the cell division process functions improperly, it can lead to the development of cancer cells. Researchers have developed a new approach to treating cancer by focusing on stopping the cell division process of mitosis.
Researchers from the Cell Division & Cancer Group are focusing on a protein called Greatwall. This protein helps to regulate cell division by ensuring that cellular DNA forms properly. In studies, cells that lacked Greatwall were not capable of dividing. When active, Greatwall also blocks a tumor suppressing enzyme that is capable of inhibiting many of the molecular pathways involved in cancer development. Next, the researchers intend to study the potential therapeutic applications of this protein as it relates to cancer growth.

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